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  • Reefcake (A Ménage MMF Romance) (Wild Ménage Book 1) Page 4

Reefcake (A Ménage MMF Romance) (Wild Ménage Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  “Are you ready?” Namhu whispered in her ear, one hand pooling along her belly as the other plied her breast.

  For what? Jo’s blue eye stared at him, her brown taking in the merman sucking upon her quivering lips without pause. She had no idea what either one wanted, but her heart pleaded with her to take the option gifted. Nodding her head, she gasped, “Yes.”

  A surprisingly shy smile flitted across Namhu’s solid lips. His hands cupped along her waterlogged hips and hefted her out of the sea. The loss of the prince’s lips was great, Joanna staring in dejection at the impish grin upon Enki’s face. It wasn’t until she felt her bottom perched upon Namhu’s thighs that the pieces of what came next fell into place.

  One of his sturdy palms left her hips in order to grab his overtly endowed cock. Slowly, he guided it and Joanna together. Namhu swirled the tip around her soaked vulva, erupting more panting from the woman astride his lap. She stretched her legs wider, aching for the pierce that’d free her from the shackles of maidenhood.

  But Namhu didn’t force himself inside. His thumb hooked inside her, testing the stretch and, as gentle as a wave, he pushed an inch of himself into her. “Mercy,” the man cried behind her, his teeth biting down on Jo’s shoulder. She shivered at the fullness stretching her apart from inside, the warmth pulsing and pressing against her inner cushions she’d only dare test herself in the past year. God, she wanted more, but Jo was uncertain if she could handle it.

  The sound of splashing caused her to look up. Enki’s tail slapped the water, his elbows digging across the sand until they pushed against Namhu’s trembling thighs. “Allow me to help,” the prince purred and he dipped down with tongue fully extended. It slurped not only across Jo’s exposed pearl, but clear down to Namhu’s dangling sac. Whenever Enki made contact, the man holding her upon his spear babbled in the same oceanic tongue and quivered.

  With every tender lick from Enki, Jo’s insides loosened and she began to slide down Namhu’s cock. The man’s pleas and cries grew more urgent with every new inch of her surrounding him. At first, he hugged tight to her, his cheek pressing to her back as if she was his salvation. But as she came to rest as tight to the hilt as she thought she could, his palms swept back up her breasts.

  Enki’s tongue picked up speed, the tip darting around her pearl’s hood with enviable dexterity while Namhu enlivened her nipples and gave the smallest thrust with his hips. It rocked Jo into Enki, the pulse and pressure ramping up the heat burning through her body. Her spine was liquid metal, her hair white. Her teeth snapped and clacked from the two men tending to her in a way no one ever could.

  “Christ’s Blood!” Joanna screamed, her head slamming back as her entire body erupted in pleasure. There was no tiny tingle as she knew while trying to find solace in a lonely bed. This wracked through her loins, knotting her legs around Enki’s head, and sent her arms flailing behind to scratch at Namhu’s chest. All the while the stoic man kept flexing his cock, every jut of his hips knocking another delectable tremor through Jo’s body.

  Enki dug himself out of her body crumpling to try and preserve this pleasure, a smile stretching clear across his face as he gazed up at Joanna clinging to Namhu for dear life. “I love the feel of a woman coming apart at my tongue.”

  The man still inside her snorted once, his finger cupping her jaw to pull her lips to his. As they kissed, she felt his hands guide her off his lap. A sucking sound preceded her loss of him, Joanna gulping out of fear that she wasn’t found worthy enough. But in an instant, Namhu twisted her around in the sand.

  She landed upon her back, the man’s arms supporting her legs around his hips as he gazed down in wonder. On his knees, he crawled to her, his eyes drifting from her raised cunt to her face and back. All the while, he worried his hands back and forth over her trembling thighs.

  Enthralled with the cock slicked in her arousal, Jo watched as he paused before her, the pair waiting to be reintroduced. It was Joanna who reached forward, who wrapped her hand around him and guided him into her.

  This time, Namhu thrust fully inside without any preamble. She groaned at both the fit and the strain, but a touch of discomfort was worth it as the man began to thrust inside her. Sweat dripped down Namhu’s chest, the droplets sheering off as if his skin was watertight while Joanna licked her lips. His fingers flexed deeper into her ass, hauling her tighter to him as he thrust into her.

  She was so lost in Namhu’s reddening face, his teeth biting on his lip to keep focused, Jo missed Enki. The prince jumped from the water, his tail disintegrating into that curved cock of before now leaping from between his legs. It was to Namhu he approached, his chest slotting around the man’s back, hands swerving to cup the bodyguard’s pecs.

  Enki licked around Namhu’s ear, whispering loudly, “You are delectable.” As the hands slid down to pinch at Namhu’s nipples, both men groaned from the depths of the ocean. “Shall I?” Enki asked, and Namhu shuddered, his head nodding desperately.

  The thrusting paused, though his cock remained inside Joanna who bared down while watching. Every flex of her internal muscles brought a gulp to Namhu’s throat and a grin to her lips. Enki guided his cock to the back of Namhu, the smaller man having to push Namhu down to reach. As Joanna fell too, her inner fit changed, leaving her straining even harder at the mass inside.

  “Let me…” Enki said, his hand swooping over Namhu’s lower belly. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but watching Enki close his eyes and suckle in air as Namhu winced then sputtered in joy, Jo knew. Once safely inside his lover and bodyguard, Enki finished his sentence, “…take the lead.”

  It was he who thrust into Namhu, who then thrust into Jo. Two men, two cocks, working in perfect synchronization to push her beyond. “My, my, my,” Enki whispered, his warm eyes wafting over the pair he had command of.

  Namhu’s striking eyes were locked up tight, the man’s entire body flexing, veins rising from biceps, pectorals, thighs. Every inch of his naked body strained from the man pumping into him…and the woman wrapped around him.

  God save her, but the tenderness and eroticism of watching one man in another… Jo cried out, another tremor of pleasure shivering from her loins. It was perfect until it tried to clamp onto the cock thrusting inside of her. The cries of adulation shifted to pain in an instant as if the orgasm sewed misery in its wake.

  Snapping open, Namhu’s eyes stared down at her trying to grit her teeth to keep going. It was he who rubbed his hand along the back of Enki’s and said, “Hold a moment.”

  Leaning forward, Namhu gently guided himself free of Joanna. The loss this time left behind a deeper sting inside of her, and she noticed a drop of blood upon the cock that drew it. “She is not ready…” Namhu said first to Enki, then his ice-grey eyes burned in Jo, “yet.”

  “Mmm,” Enki purred, tipping back with the lover in his arms. Jo leaned up on her elbows, watching as the prince thrust with the full power of his hips into Namhu. “I so adore when you make plans.”

  Namhu chuckled when Enki enveloped his palm around the man’s cock. Using Jo’s arousal, Enki began to stroke the man he was inside. Both of them spoke in guttural noises, their clicks broken up by panting. Enki’s green hair caught the waning firelight as he whipped his head back and forth while clinging to the tempo.

  It was Namhu who was shaking, his entire being falling to pieces as his body trembled in the prince’s care. Enki’s hand pumped determinedly up and down that vast shaft, every pop of the crown through the prince’s grip leaving Namhu gasping. And Joanna watched enraptured. Her heart quickened at the sight, her exhausted loins dripping arousal down her thighs at the two men enjoying themselves without abandon.

  “Enki, Enki,” Namhu cried. Before he could finish his plea, white fluid shot from the cock in the prince’s hand. It arced clear across the sand to land upon the burning driftwood. Jo stared in amazement at the sizzling semen, while Enki grunted thrice more and then gave his own gasp of pleasure. In an instant, both men crum
bled in exhaustion. The prince curled up on his side, his feet dipping back to the water to revive the tail.

  While Namhu, the taciturn bodyguard, the man that had scared Joanna to her core then brought it to life, crawled across the sand and cupped her face in his hands. Pulling her to him, he whispered as if the fear laid upon his very soul, “I promise, I will be more gentle.”

  Catching her hand around his supporting wrist, Jo leaned closer, “As long as there is a next time.” When the smile rose upon his lips, she caught him in a devouring kiss.


  WHILE THE SURF tickled her toes, the blood pounded through Jo’s chest. She gave herself, without pause, to these two men and all she felt in her soul was satiety. Namhu provided himself as the blanket for both Joanna and Enki, the pair snuggled upon either side of the man. While Jo easily cupped around Namhu’s hip, Enki languidly tossed his leg over his guard’s, weary lips pressing to the man’s shoulder. More of that clicking and high pitched language passed between the two while Namhu kept a tight grip to Enki’s buttocks.

  He was more careful with Jo, his arm keeping her propped up, but there was no strength behind it. She felt in her bones that she could push him away with a butterfly’s flap should the need arise. But she didn’t want to. Warmth swirled around her. The musk of two men converging into one danced across her body more delectably than the finest perfume.

  Fingers drew through her fallen hair, pulling the dark locks up and down. She smiled, knowing it had to be Enki — the curious one. Not even an hour together and she knew that of him compared to Namhu. And he certainly knew her.

  “Such soft down,” Enki said, combing through her hair. The tips swished across Namhu’s chest. He seemed to yet be recovering from his excursions, but at the swipe of Jo’s hair, the stoic man flinched. On instinct, she held her breath. It wasn’t a roar to erupt from the giant man but a giggle.

  “Enjoying that, Namhu?” Enki taunted, using Joanna’s hair to tickle back and forth across his lover’s pecs. More laughter snorted from the man, his lips struggling to hold it in. Then, Enki moved to those nipples he couldn’t stop crowing about.

  Jo leaned closer, her cheek placed to Namhu’s chest to give Enki the reach. With a flourish in his hand, he swept the hair in a circle. Grey skin erupted around Namhu’s body, the once silky smooth flesh rough as coral. Namhu sat up fast, dragging Jo’s already cut cheek down the sandpaper flesh.

  She cried out, leaning away from the two mermen. Their game paused in an instant, Enki releasing her hair, his fingers reaching for her. But Jo tucked further away, shielding her right cheek that scraped off on Namhu’s inhuman skin.

  It was the stoic one, the aloof hero who’d breathed life into her lungs, that drew a single finger along her jaw. She winced, first fearing more of the sandpaper, but his skin was once again soft as butter.

  “Forgive me, please. I did not mean to… I forget how delicate you are.”

  She wanted to insist she wasn’t made of paper, but turning to Namhu, her brown eye watered at the sincerity pouring from his face. He looked as if he was about to crumble from her pain. “I’ll be all right. The glass and other debris aren’t helping.”

  Namhu’s thumb swept along her undamaged jaw, keeping abreast of the obvious redness. Upon reaching her mouth, he wafted the tip of it across her bottom lip, Jo parting them as her eyes drifted closed. His touch was comfort and clarity, a soothing balm to her ragged soul.

  “You can turn yourself into a…a fish on command?” Jo asked, gulping as she stared first into Namhu’s haunted eyes, then over to Enki.

  The prince jerked his head to the guard. “He’s more skilled at it.”

  A surprising blush churned up Namhu’s cheeks as he admitted, “My skin is as a shark’s, nearly impervious to blades when I require it. Though keeping the tail off to maintain my stance is tricky.”

  “I’d imagine so,” she whispered. So he’d fought humans. Got into enough battles that he knew how to control himself, how to protect himself. Her imagination stampeded with questions of how it worked, of what life he lived before this. If there were others who knew of him and what he could do on the surface.

  “That,” Enki interrupted, “is enough of Namhu’s skill, I think. Oh do not pout, I am not saying it is lacking. Only that your bragging can grow tiresome.”

  “I was not…”

  “What I want to know about,” he swerved his hips around, the prince laying upon his stomach with his chin on Namhu’s ribs, “is you, daughter of the Governor.”

  A churning bubbled in Jo’s stomach. It was a lovely dream to think that ripping away her virginity on her terms freed her of her father’s reach, but it was foolish. If he caught…when he caught her, it was a simple question of if he’d lie to her new owner, or silence her permanently.

  Enki, either not aware enough to sense her not wanting to talk, or not caring, dove ahead. “Why were you on that ship bound for…what did that other letter say?”

  “España. It is very far,” Namhu answered bringing a cold chuckle to Jo. Not far enough as far as she was concerned.

  “My father was using my hand in marriage to barter another four years as governor of Havana,” her words spat acid as she spoke, but glancing up she saw only confusion in both Enki and Namhu’s faces. “Marriage? I am to be bound to a man in body and soul.” Only her mind was hers, but even that could be chipped at and burned away.

  Enki stared long at Namhu, the tip of his tongue vibrating as if he wanted to launch into a series of clicks for an explanation. But he held off and inched closer to Jo. “One man? Bound?”

  “A mating ritual,” Namhu whispered. She let her blue eye skirt over to him and found the man pale as a sail.

  “So for a season then?”

  “No,” Joanna shuddered, realizing she was naked and completely alone in this world. Her mother died young. Perhaps that was to be her fate as well. Produce an heir and be shipped off to the cemetery to wait out the rest of the days of this world entombed in the dirt of a land she never knew. “It’s for life.”

  Enki’s lips lifted into a snarl, his head raising off Namhu. With his arms flapping for emphasis he declared. “For life? One man? You were to be netted with only one man for the rest of your existence?”

  All Jo could do was nod. It seemed a requisite of being born a woman. To have her soul treated as little more than a head of cattle or a shipment of sugar.

  “That’s, that’s…!”

  “Barbaric,” Namhu whispered, drawing both to look at the man sitting upright. He cupped his palms to her cheeks, his thumbs brushing against the salty tears Joanna leaked into her wounds. She fought against the urge to wince from the pain, her heart widening at the tenderness from a man who owed her nothing.

  A warm hand cupped her naked waist, Enki pulling himself in to hug both Jo and Namhu tight. “I cannot believe your own flesh would do such a thing. No wonder you would not shield him.”

  Namhu’s lips pressed to the top of Joanna’s head, his kiss sealed in her hair. It was Enki who took up the spirit of wrath, his mouth spitting curses in all the languages of the Caribbean at the very idea. Joanna lashed out, grabbing to the wayward prince’s jaw. His snarling stilled, the wild eyes rolling to hers as she plunged his lips to hers. Heat shredded down her spine, Enki’s wily tongue reviving hers. Sultry lust from the spirited one, tender care from the guarded other. If she wasn’t facing such a blank abyss before her, she’d almost consider herself blessed with riches.

  “What…?” Namhu’s wandering kisses dipped across her shoulder, his hand cupping under her breast.

  Enki seemed to sense the same igniting of their shared spark. His always curious palms rolled back over Joanna’s buttocks, nails swerving against her skin. “So, lady who cannot return to Havana,” Enki breathed, his turquoise eyes beaming into both of hers, “what do you—?”

  Gunfire shattered the air. All three whipped their heads around, trying to find the source. But in the cave, it rebo
unded off the walls rendering a direction impossible to discover.

  “They have returned,” Namhu snarled. His eyes burned ice-white at whoever they were, Joanna watching the grey sandpaper skin crawling across his body. He turned first to Enki, then their deadweight. “We need to move.”

  Namhu leaped to his feet, using the human appendages to kick sand into the fire. As darkness seeped around her, Jo crossed her arms over her chest. Were they going to leave her here? How could she get out? Where would she even…?

  “My lovely,” Enki extended his hand, a sliver of hair visible by the waning moonlight. The fingers rolled around hers, plucking Joanna to her naked feet.

  She winced at the reminder, Eve’s shame filling her body. “My clothes, I need to dress in…” The sopping chemise covered in itchy sand was easy enough to slip over, but the corset and dress would take time.

  Another blast rang out, this one stronger and most certainly from cannons once again blighting the sky. Namhu snatched up the dress. “We will carry it with. Come along.”

  The bodyguard leaped into the water first. Jo’s heart danced as she watched the man’s thighs and cock vanish into a wide grey-blue fin. Unlike Enki’s glittering green scales, Namhu’s were rough, making him appear all the more terrifying as he dove deeper into the sea.

  Joanna followed with Enki, the prince nodding his head as if he feared she might suddenly turn and run. “How do I…?” she asked when Enki jumped in after Namhu. The merman’s entrance splashed up Jo’s legs, wiping away the black sand as she watched him swim up from his fall.

  “Give me your hand and step in,” Enki called. His tail slapped at the water trying to hold him steady as Jo gingerly reached forward. Wrapping her fingers over his, she said a small prayer and stepped forward.